- 2-veis komponentsystem.
- 130mm (5,25″) Bass/mellomtone
- Polyglass membran (ren ufarget klang)
- Faseplugg (for bedre spredning av mellomtone)
- 25mm Svingspole
- 72mm Magnet
- Delvis hornladet invertert magnesium/aluminium diskant (høy følsomhet og lite retningsbestemt)
- 2-veis integrert delefilter (for enkel montering)
- valgbart diskantnivå 0 eller +6dB
- Diskant kan enkelt demonteres fra diskanthus for enklere montering
- Delefilter integrert i selve diskanthuset og på mellomtonen
- Maks effekt: 120W
- RMS effekt: 60W
- Følsomhet (2.83V/1m): 91,8 dB
- Frekvensrespons: 90Hz-21kHz
- Monteringsdybde 48,9 mm
- Spesifikasjoner PDF
- This ISU130 2-way separate kit is the result of research into the constraints associated with using original-fit locations. Truly compact, powerful and «fits-anywhere», the ISU130 makes it possible to improve on audio systems without major technical modifications to your vehicle interior. Its very compact form, achieved by reducing its housing depth, and its built-in filters mean that this kit is easy to fit and connect to your original-fit head unit.
- The new generation Universal comes with its innovations and new features, including a new inverted aluminium/magnesium tweeter for even more detailed trebles. A new chassis has also been designed for optimal integration and a more elegant design. And all this is with just one objective: to offer easy-fit products that conserve excellent sound.
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